What Children Need From Parents During Divorce

Children need both parents to stay involved in their lives. When parents don’t stay involved, children feel like they’re not essential and don’t matter.

Children need to know they are not losing either of their parents because of the divorce.

Children need to feel safe to stay neutral. They do not want to take sides with their parents, and they must be allowed to continue to love both parents.

Children do not want to hear parents say negative things about one another. Parents must ensure the children do not overhear arguments between themselves or discussions with others in which negative attitudes about the child and other parents are expressed.

The children count on support payments for their needs. Money problems add stress to a child’s life as well. If you cannot afford the payment, ask the court to change the amount. Do not just stop paying!

Children need consistency, particularly during a divorce. They need to know when they will see each of their parents next. Don’t reduce a child’s parenting time with your ex-spouse as punishment for not giving you what you want during negotiations. Try to keep your anger with your spouse separate from your responsibility to your child.

What Children Need From Parents During Divorce